Give your audience a simple plan

One of my favorite movies that clearly expresses the hero’s journey is Marvel’s Ant-Man. Paul Rudd’s character, Scott Lang, looks far from a hero at the start of the movie...

Recently released from prison after serving a sentence for burglary, Scott has already lost his marriage and is about to lose his relationship with his beloved daughter, Cassie. He will do anything, absolutely anything, to be with Cassie and prove to her that he is the hero she believes him to be. 

Problem is he’s broke, can’t get a good job due to his record, his ex-wife says he needs to start paying child support to see Cassie, and he can’t keep his word. Even worse for him, his wife remarried to a police officer. To say it's an uphill climb for Scott is an understatement.

Enter Michael Douglas’ character, Hank Pym, who interrupts Scott’s life as a guide and presents him with a three-step plan to overcome his obstacles and get to his preferred future with Cassie:

1) Wear the suit and become the Ant-Man

2) Save the world by defeating the evil villain Yellowjacket

3) Become the hero Cassie believes you are

If you haven’t seen the flick, I’m sure you can guess what happens.

So how does this relate to your business and website?

Your website needs to give visitors a clear three-step plan so they can visualize the process of getting to their preferred future.

Now of course, there are often many steps within the three, but the human brain is wired to remember things in three, so get clear on the three main steps your audience needs to take. Three takes less calories for the brain to process and can be more easily remembered.

On your website clearly communicate the main three steps for your audience. How do they start the journey? What is the middle step? What will the end result look like? 

Clearly lay out a three-step plan on your website and you will help more heroes win the day.

For the good of your work…


Call your audience to action


Are you positioned as the guide?