Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

Make your services clear, honest and compelling

I understand the challenges of creating a quality website. While working for one of the world’s largest non-profits I built a website that became the marketing hub of a development platform that trained over 1,500 of our team members across three continents. We needed a website that was professional and clear.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

What does the hero want to avoid?

What will happen if the Avengers can’t race through time, retrieve the Infinity Stones, and reverse the inevitable Thanos’ world-altering snap?

The tension this question brought audiences led Marvel's, The Avengers: End Game to gross nearly $2.8B worldwide.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

Identify the hero’s success

We all know the phrase: “The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.”

It's usually uttered to throw shade on the “other side”. 

However, there’s a keyword in the phrase that relates to our business: "Always."

It isn’t always greener. Why is this important?

Because sometimes it IS

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

Call your audience to action

Any parents in the room who repeatedly have to tell their child to put on their shoes because we are going to the grocery store?

No? Maybe it's just me...

Why is this? Well, of course, it's because they are living their best life until we so rudely interrupted.

But it’s also because of a life principle: People must be called to action if they are going to take action, especially when taking action requires an investment to overcome a problem.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

Give your audience a simple plan

Recently released from prison after serving a sentence for burglary, Scott has already lost his marriage and is about to lose his relationship with his beloved daughter, Cassie. He will do anything, absolutely anything, to be with Cassie and prove to her that he is the hero she believes him to be.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

Are you positioned as the guide?

We love heroes who need guides because this is the common human experience. We can relate to that hero. We all need the help of a guide who is empathetic to our struggles and who has the experience and credentials to help us overcome them.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

We aren’t the hero

Someday at our funerals, people who love us are going to stand up and, if we lived life well, tell everyone how and why our lives were meaningful to them. 

Our lives are always valuable, but they only become meaningful when we give our lives away in the service of others.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

Help people solve their problems

In the Spring of 2008, I graduated from the University of Kentucky's Gatton College of Business and Economics with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Marketing and Management. With my crisp degree in hand, I knew I wasn't heading into a career in marketing.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

Look and sound as good as you are

Unfortunately far too often professional service providers, especially coaches and consultants, have websites that don't accurately represent the quality of their services. And it costs everyone involved.

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Andy Rhodenbaugh Andy Rhodenbaugh

What your business can learn from LeBron leaving for Miami

You see Cleveland sports was on its own Hero’s Journey and was facing devastating problem and opposition. Once atop the NFL and Major League Baseball in the late 1940s and early 1950s, Cleveland hadn’t secured a professional sports championship in over 50 years. They needed a Guide.

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