What clients are saying…

Teg Tegelaar
Executive Director

“Our website was functional but not very compelling or easy to navigate. I spent hours working on upgrading it myself and it was still just okay which felt a bit defeating.

Andy asked us questions to get our vision and goals for the website clear and then created a first pass that me and my team looked at together and then provided feedback for the final rendering. It was smooth and exciting to see a much better product come to life.

We started getting complements on the website about how awesome it looked and how easy it was to navigate. We love it!

I feel excited knowing our website portrays our camps with the excellence we aim for. The website is super appealing and quickly gets our customers to the information they need in order to make a decision about registering for our events.

We just had our biggest year ever of event attendance, and while I don't think it was completely due to the website design, I do think it enhanced our recruiting efforts and increased traffic to our site, and made the story of our non-profit and what we offer our customers crystal clear leading to increased registrations.”

Konrad Norris
Small Business Owner

“Our website was bland and uninviting, and it didn’t show our ideal client that we know their story. We felt like we were running into a brick wall as we shared our website with others (if we even tried to share it).

Our experience with Andy was incredible. He was so helpful in helping us to understand our ideal customer and combining that story with our brand and website. His work is set apart from our previous web designers in functionality, appearance, and effectiveness.

When I first saw the first draft of the website I really understood how the website (and process) were the solution to our problem.

We now have a website we are excited to share with existing and potential clients! Our website reflects our brand and story so well, that it is an integral part of our company.”

Dominique Dawson
Certified Spiritual Director

“I needed to create a website for my work as a spiritual director and the other talents I have, but I felt overwhelmed and hopeless—like I couldn't figure out where or how to start.

Andy’s process felt like part website design and part counseling because in the ways I felt insecure about putting myself out into the world, he gently encouraged and guided me through the process to help represent me in the best way to the world.

I feel a great sense of relief and ease to see that one of my goals for the year (a website) was created and now exists in the world. I now have a place to refer people to and connect them with who I am and the work God has called me to do.”

Manumalo Muasau
Mental Performance Coach

“I needed to create a website for my services and I didn’t have much context on where to begin, so I typically avoided it. Andy and I connected and the moment he presented me with a plan of how to bring my idea to life, I knew it was going to work.

Andy had a process from beginning to end and it provided so much clarity as we created my website together.

My website has been complimented by so many people in my professional and personal network. The elegance and simple navigation of the website, as well as the contrasting color scheme makes it more captivating.”

Michael Sylvester
Cultural Proficiency Consultant

“Prior to working with Andy, we had no professional presence on the web. While we had a strong need and desire for more, we also lacked the capacity to get what was needed.

Andy was collaborative, listening to our needs and desires, and provided objective feedback and intelligent design.

I was impressed with his attention to detail and care for the exact tone, manner, and style we wanted.

We now have clear, direct messaging that provides simple, effective engagement with our audience.”

Jazmyne Butler Boothe
Real Estate Agent & Investor

“My team and I were planning a retreat for women real estate investors and we needed to establish our messaging for our website and have it written in a cohesive format, but we felt like we didn’t have enough time with our planning and regular lives.

Using a storytelling framework and targeted questions, Andy helped our team get on one accord about what information we needed to get across.

I felt relieved and confident to move forward with our retreat.”

Bryce Norris
Professional Videographer

“I needed a website that I could send potential clients to in order to give them a concise look at what I have to offer and a way to book my services, but I had no idea how to start the process of web development and I didn't have much free time in addition to the time I've spent working on setting up my business.

Andy knew exactly what needed to be done to create a website that catered to my business and my goals. The website he created is much more effective in fulfilling its purpose than anything I would have created on my own.

My new website makes it so simple to learn about my services and even simpler to book them. As soon as I saw the shareable website link on my phone, I could tell that it was going to be effective at capturing my audience's attention and funneling them to the site.

I feel like I finally have something to show for all of my hard work over the years! I have a website that I'm proud to share with everyone and it’s going to make my job a lot easier. Instead of telling people what I do, I can let my website do the heavy lifting!”

Sarah Driver
Faith & Justice Advocate

“Before working with Andy my website was not visually compelling (to say the least!) and was lacking functionality and capacity for sharing what I wanted to offer my audience.

I was overwhelmed with knowing where to start and I knew that if I tried to develop a website on my own, it would be a mess design-wise.

Andy has a process that goes way beyond simple web design. It's a branding, messaging, and web design process all wrapped into one.

He helped crystallize my messages and present them in a way that would connect with my audience. Andy was an excellent and careful thought partner who dives deep in the weeds to get the best result.

I now have a website that serves as a one-stop-shop for all my resources and makes them easily accessible for my audience.”

Brian Smith
Author & Blogger

“My website was not intuitive, lacked a sufficient search menu and structure, felt aesthetically bland, and had various formatting issues between desktop and mobile platforms.

I was overwhelmed by the prospect of trying to figure it all out on my own. I knew that tutorials existed that would help, but the idea of giving someone I trusted full access to simply make it better was the more attractive option.

I did not want to spend days and weeks learning how to do it competently when someone like Andy could do it as an expert.

Along with hearing about the website’s issues, Andy took the time to learn about the brand identity I wanted to communicate through the website and helped put words, metaphors, and images to what I was feeling.

By the end of his initial exploratory process, I was confident that Andy could communicate the purpose and vision of the website, perhaps even better than I could!

This past month, I had website visits from people from 91 different countries. Before Andy's work, I would see 50-60 different countries represented. The average number of visitors to the site has increased by close to 50% and I am seeing analytics that suggest they are even spending more time on the site once they get there.

The moment I knew what Andy did was going to work was when I scrolled through the homepage and saw the updated design and flow of the website. But with each passing month, the analytics confirm that Andy solved the problems and even opened up new pathways for people to engage with my content.

I now feel freedom to continue to write and create content knowing that where I am sending people is a fully functional, high quality, and aesthetically pleasing site. It's fixed and I can't break it!”