Identify the hero’s success

We all know the phrase: “The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.”

It's usually uttered to throw shade on the “other side”. 

However, there’s a keyword in the phrase that relates to our business: "Always."

It isn’t always greener. Why is this important?

Because sometimes it IS

And our audience is moving towards that preferred future and they want to know if you know what it is.

Does your audience know that you know the preferred future they are moving toward?

On your website homepage be sure to include a section that connects to their preferred future. After you help them overcome their obstacles, what green grass will they be enjoying on the other side? What is it like? How do they feel?

People most often make purchase decisions based on emotions and justified by the tangible result. Be sure to address the goodness they will experience both tangibly and emotionally.

Show your audience you know their preferred future and it may lead to some more green for you too.

For the good of your work...


What does the hero want to avoid?


Call your audience to action