Get a customizable website built and launched in one day

Yes, it’s magic. You’ll start your day with nothing and end your day with a stunning customizable website infused with clear StoryBrand messaging. Tomorrow you’ll be landing dream clients ready to engage.

1-on-1 Attention

Built on Squarespace

1-Day Launch

Need a new website, but don’t have the time?

The 1-Day Website is an ideal solution for you if…

You want it done right

Too often websites are confusing and feature amateur design. You want a trained and experienced professional to design your website and create messaging that connects.

You want results

Too often websites don’t invite customers into a compelling story. You want a proven marketing framework that will equip your website to drive connection and revenue.

You want it done now

Too often website designs take weeks, if not months, to complete with endless back-and-forth revisions. With the 1-Day Website, you’re prepared to make quick content decisions.


  • Yes, it’s magic.

    You’ll start your day with nothing and end your day with a stunning customizable website infused with clear, honest, and compelling messaging that is engineered to drive results.

    Tomorrow you’ll be landing dream clients ready to engage.

    This product is perfect for coaches and consultants with limited time.

    You will complete simple pre-work (not DIY) ahead of time and then spend 3.5 hours meeting with me on your Launch Day.

    And boom you have a stunning website ready to engage your audience.

  • You feel embarrassed when potential clients ask for your website because you know it lacks professionalism.

    You need a complete website customized for your business…done yesterday.

    You don’t have the time or capacity to DIY (not to mention that you simply don’t want to).

    You want it done right, you want it done now, and you want results.

  • 1) A one-sentence Tagline explaining what you offer and for whom.

    2) A few-sentence One-Liner or “Elevator Pitch” that clearly explains what you offer, the problem you solve, and how your services make the lives of your clients better.

    3) A Brand Messaging Script that can be used to populate all your marketing collateral.

    4) Clear, honest, and compelling copy to populate four website pages (Home, Services, About, and Contact):

    Approximately 1,000 - 2,000 words.

    5) Three personal meetings with me on your designated Launch Day where we will capture your brand details and finalize your website copy and design.

    6) A four-page (Home, Services, About, Contact) website design completed and delivered in ONE DAY.

    7) Access to an on-demand video tutorial library so you can make DIY edits in the future, so your website can grow with you.

    Please Note:

    *For this product, you will select one of my pre-designed website templates which I will then customize for your business. This template customization allows us to complete your website in one day.

    *If you want a from-the-ground-up custom-built website please see my Custom 1-of-1 Website product.

  • How good will it feel to check “Get New Website” off your massive to-do list?

    You’ll finally be proud to share your website with everyone.

    You’ll be confident that your website represents your business and brand clearly, honestly, and compellingly.

    You will nail your first impressions, reach your audience, and grow your revenue and impact.

Here’s how it works…


Pre-Launch Checklist

Book the 1-Day Website using the button below. We’ll connect on an intro Zoom call and then I’ll email you a link to your custom client portal. The portal houses everything needed to complete your project. Once you complete the Pre-Launch Checklist, we will…


Schedule Launch Day

Once you complete the Pre-Launch Checklist, we’ll schedule your Launch Day. My entire workday will be dedicated to your project. You will clear your schedule for nearly four hours (see schedule below). Your decisive decision-making will shine, so by day’s end, you can…


Launch Your Website

At 4:45 pm I will then walk you through purchasing your Squarespace subscription, choosing your domain, and launching your site. If you own a domain you can connect it or transfer it to your Squarespace account to launch your site.

Launch Day Schedule

All times EST

9:00 am - We’ll meet on Zoom and discuss your brand together.

10:30 am - Using the StoryBrand Framework, I’ll synthesize the details into a powerful Brand Message that will populate your website.

12:15 pm - I’ll upload the Brand Message into your portal for you to review.

12:45 pm - We’ll meet on Zoom and make live edits to your Brand Message. By the end of this session, you’ll approve the entire Brand Message.

1:30 pm - I’ll customize your chosen website template (see options below).

3:00 pm - We’ll meet on Zoom and make live edits to the template design. By the end of this session, you’ll approve the entire website.

4:00 pm - I’ll prepare the website domain and transfer of ownership.

4:45 pm - I’ll send the transfer of ownership link to your client portal. You’ll log into your Squarespace account, purchase your Squarespace subscription, and launch your website.

What else is included with my purchase?

1-Day Launch

One day. that’s it. How will we do it? With a clear plan and decisive decision-making. By the end of your Launch Day, you’ll be live.

1-on-1 Attention

You will communicate and work directly with me (the owner), using an exclusive client portal throughout the entire process.

Built on Squarespace

Your website will be built and hosted on the powerful Squarespace platform, which has tools and capacity to grow with your business.


StoryBrand Messaging

Great website design isn’t enough. You need a clear message, and as a StoryBrand Certified Guide, I’ll help you make it happen.

Video Tutorial Library

Learn basic editing via video tutorials and access Squarespace’s award-winning customer service.

Free Stock Images

Access thousands of royalty-free stock images that can be selected and edited, right at your fingertips.

Mobile Optimization

Your website will be optimized for both desktop and mobile viewers.

20% off Squarespace

I’ll get you 20% off the first year of your monthly or annual Squarespace hosting subscription.

6-Month Free Trial

In case you’re not ready to launch, I’ll get you a free 6-month trial on Squarespace (normally 2 weeks).

Website Template Options

When you purchase The 1-Day Website you will select one of the website templates below. We will customize the template with your brand's messaging, colors, and images during Launch Day. Each template includes eight pages: Home, Services, About, Contact, and 404 Error pages, along with pages set up for Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer.

Prime Mover

Beloved on the Earth

Striking Twelve

Natural Born Queen

No Rhymes



Just For Today


One More Song

Candy Butter

Making Serenity

“Andy rebranded my blog website and this past month I had visits from people in 91 countries (up from 50-60). The average number of visitors to the site has increased by close to 50% and the analytics suggest they are spending more time on the site.”

Brian Smith
Author & Blogger

Dominique Dawson
Certified Spiritual Director

“This year I had a goal to get a website for my practice, but I felt overwhelmed and hopeless—I couldn't figure out where or how to start. After working with Andy I feel a great sense of relief and ease.”


  • Yes! You’ll start the day with nothing and end the day with a beautiful and effective website.


    I’ve been building websites on Squarespace since 2013 so I know my way around. As a StoryBrand Certified Guide, I’m licensed to employ the proven StoryBrand Marketing Framework, which means I’m not creating your brand strategy from scratch. I’m using a repeatable framework that is proven to get results across industries.

    Put those two together and boom…you’re done in a day.

  • Use the yellow button below to book the 1-Day Website.

    I’ll email you a link for a Zoom call and we’ll make a brief connection. Then I’ll send you a payment invoice and the Pre-Launch Checklist. After you submit payment and email me everything on the checklist, we will schedule your Launch Day.

    If we attempted to start your Launch Day before payment was submitted and before you completed the Pre-Launch Checklist, your Launch Day would inevitably get delayed and we would not hit the one-day completion deadline.

    Submitting payment and a completed checklist are essential to the success and delivery of the project.

  • The 1-Day Website is $5997 and 75% of the total is due to secure your Launch Day on my calendar. Once you book with me, I will email you a payment invoice and the Pre-Launch Checklist.

    After you submit your first payment and complete the Pre-Launch Checklist we will reserve your Launch Day on my calendar.

    Once scheduled, your day is reserved just for you, and my entire workday is dedicated to your project. No other projects from any other clients will be scheduled on your Launch Day.

    At the end of your Launch Day, once your completed website is transferred to you, your second payment (25% of total) will be due.

  • Yes! After you book the 1-Day Website, I’ll send you a payment invoice and the Pre-Launch Checklist, which details everything you need to prepare beforehand.

    After you submit your first payment and email me everything on the checklist, we will schedule your Launch Day.

    If we attempted to start your Launch Day before the Pre-Launch Checklist is completed, your Launch Day would inevitably get delayed and we would not hit the one-day completion deadline.

    Submitting the first payment and a completed checklist are essential to the success and delivery of the project.

  • Yes! 75% of the total is due in order to reserve your Launch Day on my calendar.

    25% is due at the end of Launch Day, once I deliver your completed website.

  • Absolutely not! This is the beauty of building on the Squarespace Fluid Engine platform. It requires no code knowledge or experience and is extremely intuitive to edit.

    Your website will be delivered in its final form. However, for future DIY edits, you’ll have access to a video tutorial library showing you how to make edits to your website.

    You’ll also have access to Squarespace’s award-winning customer service. I personally use customer service a lot and they are very prompt and descriptive in the help they provide.

  • Your website is built on Squarespace 7.1 Fluid Engine. To launch your site you will set up an account with Squarespace.

    Once completed, your new website will be delivered to your Squarespace Account Dashboard where you will then select an annual Squarespace subscription payment plan, connect a domain, and launch your site.

  • Once completed, your new website will be delivered to your Squarespace account where you will then select an annual Squarespace subscription payment plan, connect a domain, and launch your site.

    Squarespace will host both your website and your domain if you select a domain via Squarespace.

    However, if you already have a domain purchase through a domain supplier such as GoDaddy, you can choose to keep the domain hosting there or transfer the domain to Squarespace (recommended). Either way, your website will be hosted by Squarespace. I recommend having your domain hosted by Squarespace as well.

  • Easy!

    Your website will be delivered in its final form. However, for future DIY edits, you’ll have access to a video tutorial library showing you how to make edits to your website.

    You’ll also have access to Squarespace’s award-winning customer service. I personally use customer service a lot and they are very prompt and descriptive in the help they provide.

  • There’s nothing worse than a website that looks great on a desktop and terrible on mobile, especially when so many visitors will visit your site from a mobile device.

    Another great aspect of Squarespace is that your site will be optimized for, and look great, on both.

  • The 1-Day Website includes a robust sales-focused Home page along with Services/Products, About, and Contact pages. This is likely all you’ll need. More pages often means more confusion for your visitors.

    However, if you want or need more pages, they can be added for $500 per page (excluding blogs and shops) and will also extend your website completion and delivery date beyond your Launch Day.

  • Yes! Squarespace has excellent functionality to add both blogs and shops. Pricing to add these pages, which are more involved than typical pages, will be set on a case-by-case basis, but will not be less than $500 each.

  • Your website is built on Squarespace 7.1 Fluid Engine. To launch your site you will set up an account with Squarespace.

    Once your website is completed, I will manually email you a link to your new website.

    Once you activate the link, your new website will be delivered to (and can always be found on) your Squarespace Account Dashboard.

    You will then select an annual Squarespace subscription payment plan, connect a domain, and launch your site.

  • You will need to purchase an annual website subscription plan from Squarespace and a domain via Squarespace (if you don’t already own the one you want to use).

  • Due to the digital nature of the product, returns are not available.

    50% of the product price is due to schedule your Launch Day. This is non-refundable as it reserves an entire day on my work calendar, reserved just for you.

    Decide pay structure and detail out this answer.