Do you know your audience’s problem?

Your audience is full of heroes who are on a journey toward a preferred future.

  • You’re a financial coach whose clients dream of a future where their grandchildren have access to options they only dreamed of.

  • You’re a fitness coach whose clients dream of a future where their “glory days” are ahead of them, not behind them.

  • You’re a life coach whose clients dream of a more effective work/life balance so they can spend time with those they love.

Their goals and dreams are numerous, but there’s a catch: 

They all have obstacles standing in their way.

Every hero’s journey involves a process of overcoming obstacles. Something is in the way of their preferred future and they need help:

  • They don’t make enough money to start saving for the future.

  • They can’t figure out how to train effectively after knee surgery.

  • They struggle to say “No” so their schedule is always full.

Have you identified your audience’s problem? If you haven’t, then it’s likely they don’t know you can help them.

What does your website tell them? Too often I see websites where the business owner immediately talks about themselves, the company’s history, or even the story behind the name of the business.

All the while, the visitor is asking themselves: “Does this service professional know my obstacles and can they help me overcome them?”

Here’s a quick win:

After the header, on the second section of your website, agitate the main obstacle of your audience. Name it, identify it, describe it. Detail out the physical and emotional effects of it. What is at stake for them?

When you identify their obstacle, they will know you see them and that you maybe, just maybe, can help them overcome their obstacle so they can win the day.

For the good of your work...


Are you positioned as the guide?


We aren’t the hero