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On a tighter budget? I got you…

Starting at $13999

  • You want (and need) it all.

    Your business has hit a wall and you’re ready to revamp your entire marketing strategy.

  • Business has gone well but has recently stalled and your ready to revamp all of your marketing collateral.

  • All the deliverables of the Custom 1-of-1 Website product:

    1) A 2-hour Brand Messaging Interview with me where we will get all the details of your business that are needed to clarify your message.

    2) A one-sentence Tagline explaining what you offer and for whom.

    3) A few-sentence One-Liner or “Elevator Pitch” that clearly explains what you offer, the problem you solve, and how your services make the lives of your clients better.

    4) A Brand Messaging Script that can be used to populate all your marketing collateral.

    5) Clear, honest, and compelling copy to populate four website pages (Home, Services, About, and Contact):

    Approximately 1,000 - 2,000 words.

    6) A custom 1-of-1 website design for the number of pages we agree is within the scope of your project needs.

    7) Two additional 90-minute meetings with me to review and finalize the website copy and design.

    8) Access to an on-demand video tutorial library so you can make edits in the future, so your website can grow with your business or non-profit.


    11) A PDF Lead Generator Copy & Design (Up to 3 pages)

    12) A Sales Email Sequence (5 emails)

    Please Note:

    *Listed starting price includes five website pages: Home, Services, About, Contact, and Lead Generator.

    Additional website pages, lead generator pages, and additional emails increase the investment.

    *Delivery time is three weeks for a five-page website (Home, Services, About, Contact, and Lead Generator pages) and increases from there with additional pages.

  • Imagine how good it will feel to know your message is clear, honest, and compelling.

    Breathe easy knowing you don’t have to start from scratch every time you create new marketing collateral.

    Gain confidence that your message will cut through the noise, reach your ideal customers, and lead to engagement.

Starting at $9999

  • Too many coaches and consultants have websites that are not only underperforming, they actually misrepresent the quality of their services.

    Website visitors form an opinion of the quality of your business within milliseconds of visiting your website, so if the copy isn’t clear and the design isn’t professional, they’ll Google another option.

    This product changes all that.

    I’ll build you a 1-of-1 website that makes your brand look and sound as good as it is, and most importantly, reaches your audience and grows your revenue and impact.

  • You feel embarrassed when potential clients ask for your website because you know it isn't professional.

    You need a stunning 1-of-1 custom website as unique as you that can grow your business.

    You don’t have time to DIY and don’t want to mess around with amateur copyrighting or design.

  • All of the deliverables of the Website Copy product:

    1) A 2-hour Brand Messaging Interview with me where we will get all the details of your business that are needed to clarify your message.

    2) A one-sentence Tagline explaining what you offer and for whom.

    3) A few-sentence One-Liner or “Elevator Pitch” that clearly explains what you offer, the problem you solve, and how your services make the lives of your clients better.

    4) A Brand Messaging Script that can be used to populate all your marketing collateral.

    5) Clear, honest, and compelling copy to populate four website pages (Home, Services, About, and Contact):

    Approximately 1,000 - 2,000 words.


    6) A custom 1-of-1 website design for the number of pages we agree is within the scope of your project needs.

    7) Two additional 90-minute meetings with me to review and finalize the website copy and design.

    8) Access to an on-demand video tutorial library so you can make edits in the future, so your website can grow with your business or non-profit.

    Please Note:

    *Listed starting price includes website copy and design for four pages: Home, Services, About, and Contact. Additional website pages increase the investment.

    *Delivery time is 10 work days (2.5 weeks) for a four-page website (Home, Services, About, and Contact pages) and increases from there with additional website pages.

  • Imagine the time and money you will save when you can stop trying to figure out what to do with your website and instead focus on growing your business.

    Gain confidence knowing your website is prepared to launch your business to its next level of growth.

    When potential clients ask for your website, you’ll no longer hesitate. You gladly pass it on knowing it represents you and your services clearly, honestly, and compellingly.


  • Yes, it’s magic.

    You’ll start your day with nothing and end your day with a stunning customizable website infused with clear, honest, and compelling messaging that is engineered to drive results.

    Tomorrow you’ll be landing dream clients ready to engage.

    This product is perfect for coaches and consultants with limited time.

    You will complete simple pre-work (not DIY) ahead of time and then spend 3.5 hours meeting with me on your Launch Day.

    And boom you have a stunning website ready to engage your audience.

  • You feel embarrassed when potential clients ask for your website because you know it lacks professionalism.

    You need a complete website customized for your business…done yesterday.

    You don’t have the time or capacity to DIY (not to mention that you simply don’t want to).

    You want it done right, you want it done now, and you want results.

  • The following deliverables of the Website Copy product:

    1) A one-sentence Tagline explaining what you offer and for whom.

    2) A few-sentence One-Liner or “Elevator Pitch” that clearly explains what you offer, the problem you solve, and how your services make the lives of your clients better.

    3) A Brand Messaging Script that can be used to populate all your marketing collateral.

    4) Clear, honest, and compelling copy to populate four website pages (Home, Services, About, and Contact):

    Approximately 1,000 - 2,000 words.


    5) Three personal meetings with me on your designated Launch Day where we will capture your brand details and finalize your website copy and design.

    6) A four-page (Home, Services, About, Contact) website design completed and delivered in ONE DAY.

    7) Access to an on-demand video tutorial library so you can make DIY edits in the future, so your website can grow with you.

    Please Note:

    *For this product, you will select one of my pre-designed website templates which I will then customize for your business. This template customization allows us to complete your website in one day.

    *If you want a from-the-ground-up custom-built website please see my Custom 1-of-1 Website product.

  • How good will it feel to check “Get New Website” off your massive to-do list?

    You’ll finally be proud to share your website with everyone.

    You’ll be confident that your website represents your business and brand clearly, honestly, and compellingly.

    You will nail your first impressions, reach your audience, and grow your revenue and impact.


  • When someone visits your website, you have seconds to convince them not to go back to Google to find another option.

    This means your website copy can make or break your sales.

    With this product your visitors will instantly know what you offer, the problems you solve, how it makes their lives better, and how to do business with you.

    This is a proven method to keep them scrolling into more copy which leads to engagement.

  • Your website is your most important marketing asset, but if its message is unclear, your audience will get confused and quickly Google another option.

    The average website visitor stays on a website for just seconds.

    You want clear and honest messaging for your website that sounds as compelling as you are excellent.

    You need to cut through the noise in the marketplace, keep your audience's attention, and move them toward sales.

    A.I. isn’t giving you the personal touch or clarity you hoped for.

  • All the deliverables of the Brand Messaging product:

    1) A 2-hour Brand Messaging Interview with me where we will get all the details of your business that are needed to clarify your message.

    2) A one-sentence Tagline explaining what you offer and for whom.

    3) A few-sentence One-Liner or “Elevator Pitch” that clearly explains what you offer, the problem you solve, and how your services make the lives of your clients better.

    4) A Brand Messaging Script that can be used to populate all your marketing collateral.


    5) Clear, honest, and compelling copy to populate four website pages (Home, Services, About, and Contact):

    Approximately 1,000 - 2,000 words.

  • When people visit your website, they’ll know exactly what you offer, what problems you solve, how your services make their lives better, and how to do business with you.

    How good will that feel?


  • It’s often not the best service or business that earns the trust of customers, but rather the service or business that is the easiest to understand.

    Simply put, if you’re not clear your customers won’t engage.

    With this product, you will ensure your overall message is crystal clear and also get all the talking points you need to populate all your marketing collateral.

  • You’re not sure how to consistently talk about what you do in a way people can understand.

    You provide a lot of different services and are having difficulty synthesizing them into a clear brand message.

    You need clear and honest messaging for your marketing collateral that sounds as compelling as you are excellent.

    You need to cut through the noise in the marketplace, keep the attention of your audience, and move them toward sales.

  • 1) A 2-hour Brand Messaging Interview with me where we will get all the details of your business that are needed to clarify your message.

    2) A one-sentence Tagline explaining what you offer and for whom.

    3) A few-sentence One-Liner or “Elevator Pitch” that clearly explains what you offer, the problem you solve, and how your services make the lives of your clients better.

    4) A Brand Messaging Script that can be used to populate all your marketing collateral.

  • Imagine how good it will feel to know your message is clear, honest, and compelling.

    Breathe easy knowing you don’t have to start from scratch every time you create new marketing collateral.

    Gain confidence that your message will cut through the noise, reach your ideal clients, and lead to engagement.


  • I’ll send you a link to an online assessment. After you take a few minutes to answer questions about your current reality you will receive a 50-page report showing you where you are doing well and where you can improve your brand strategy and collateral creation and delivery.

    You can use the results to make your own improvements, hire someone else to help, or hire me to help.

  • You’re starting a new business and not sure where to start with marketing.

    You’re just winging your marketing—if you’re doing any at all.

    You don’t know what you don’t know and would like some insight into what you could be doing that will help your business or non-profit move forward.

    You need a clear understanding of where your marketing efforts are nailing it and where they can improve.

    You need new ideas to reach your audience.

  • 1) A 50-page Marketing Report created by StoryBrand that displays your scores on the assessment and provides critical advice for improvement.

    2) A one-hour video session with me to discuss your report and your questions, and offer advice on how to jumpstart your marketing, including a live review of your website.

    You can use the results to make your own improvements, hire someone else to help, or hire me to help.

  • Clarity is our friend. Getting clear on where you stand with your brand strategy and how you can get to where you want to go will do wonders for your business or non-profit.

    It will also provide you with the confidence needed to take action, knowing your efforts are backed by StoryBrand's proven marketing methods.