Help people solve their problems
In the Spring of 2008, I graduated from the University of Kentucky's Gatton College of Business and Economics with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Marketing and Management. With my crisp degree in hand, I knew I wasn't heading into a career in marketing.
While I enjoyed my Sports Marketing class (which included an epic pitch to Papa John's Pizza executives - more on that later) and had a fantastic and highly supportive professor (Thank you, Dr. Kelley, I know you're reading!), somehow, even after four years of studying the field, the idea of marketing left a bad taste in my mouth.
Aren't we just trying to convince - or even manipulate - people into buying things they don't need, with money they don't have, to impress people they don't know?
Perhaps at best, marketing is just a necessary evil we have to put up with.
After serving in the faith-based nonprofit sector for sixteen years I was contemplating a career change and accidentally came across StoryBrand, and as they say, "My whole life changed."
Well, not really.
But my perspective on marketing did!
With over a million copies sold, Donald Miller’s book Building a Story Brand and his StoryBrand Framework, have helped over ten thousand companies clarify their message and reach more customers.
Donald reframed marketing for me: Marketing should always be about serving people, delivering excellent felt and tangible value, and helping people solve their problems and reach their goals. In one word it's service. This was something I could get behind.
“The customer is the hero of the story, not your brand. When we position our customer as the hero and ourselves as the guide, we will be recognized as a trusted resource to help them overcome their challenges.”
– Donald Miller, Building a Story Brand
As a StoryBrand Certified Marketing Guide I am licensed and trained to write brand messaging and design websites that implement the StoryBrand Framework.
In the next seven emails I'll share about each of the seven stages in the StoryBrand Framework and give you a quick win you can implement on your website right away.
For the good of your work...